Messages from Heaven – Connecting with Spirit

Losing a loved one can be devastatingly overwhelming.
When we lose some one, we don’t just lose them we also lose a part of ourselves.
We wish desperately that we could turnback time to when they were still here with us.
It is at this point in time that we start questioning our own mortality. What is this life all about?
Constantly looking for signs that there is an afterlife and that our loved ones have transitioned safely and that they are content in their new world.
As a way to comfort us and let us know that they are okay and happy they may come to us in our dreams.

Do you recognize the SIGNS around you?
Signs that we receive are a validation of what we already know and feel, all we need to do is TRUST..
We all see signs in everything we do, see, touch, feel and hear.
If we are not listening or being observant, we will miss them.
They may appear in a song we are listening to or a movie we a watching.
Some signs can be as bold as a billboard or a subtle as a coin across your path.
A message is a direct “sign” for you personally. If you had a thought of developing or creating something new, a new job or project, adding to the family etc. It is validation that you are on the right track.
Want to learn more ….
Begin with my Awakening you intuition Workshop.
Discover how to develop your own intuitive gifts by enrolling into our workshops.
I have really enjoyed learning with Sue, I felt very secure every step of the way and will definitely be coming back to increase my understanding. Thank you for all your help.