Awaken Your Intuition: A Journey Within


Are you new to the path of awakening?
Hosting a workshop on awakening intuition can be a powerful and transformative experience for participants
This beginners’ course is especially designed to help you get started on your journey of spiritual development.
I will introduce you to a different topic every week, this will give you an understanding of the subjects we offer,
and a direction of where your talents and interests may lie
Workshop Goals:
- Help participants understand what intuition is and how it works.
- Guide them in recognizing and trusting their intuitive insights.
- Provide tools and exercises to strengthen their intuitive abilities.
Class Outline:
- Understanding Intuition
- Clearing the Mind for Intuition
- Tools for Enhancing Intuition
- Developing Intuitive Skills

Topics we will discuss will be:
- How Synchronicities pay a roll in life
- How to open and close your energy
- How to meditate
- The Chakra System explained.
- Realizing Coincidences are real.
- The 5 Claires explained.
“I don’t think that anything happens by coincidence.
No one is there by accident.
Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us.Otherwise, they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later.
The fact that these people are here means that they are in our lives for some reason.”
Celestine Prophecy