Signs from your loved ones cross your path every day.
All we need to do is notice them.
They are the miracles in our lives that help us believe our loved ones are still with us.
Synchronicity is the Magic of Life !!!
All we need to do is Believe and to be aware of signs all around us. They may be as large as a billboard and they may be small as a coin.
There are so many signs that our loved ones can send us, some signs are very personal to us. Below is a list of signs to assist you in noticing the world around you.

Signs most common in everyday life

Finding a feather across your path or in an unusual place is said to be a message from your Angel. It’s a sing that you are on the right path.

Everyone has a signature scent. We don’t actually recognize it when they are around us its just part of them like it their DNA. It is said that when you smell that scent they are near you.
- Their favourite Perfume
- A favourite food
- Cigarette or cigar smoke
- Or any scent that reminds you of them

We all have dreams sometime we remember them and sometimes we wake up with no memory. When our loved ones come to visit us it feels so real that you are actually together. Believe they have visited you.

Flowers are very significant for us. Out loved ones may have had a special flower. When you see that flower you feel a sense comfort that they are near.

When you least expect it you may hear a song at random. It may come on the radio in the car when your driving, or when you are in the shopping center anywhere. Its a reminder of your loved ones being close to you.

Bumper Stickers
Sometimes a simply bumper sticker at the back of a car can play a significant part in our lives. a memory may be spark by their words and images. Their spirit is joining you on your journey.

Number Plates
Every noticed a number plate with a name or numbers (111) . Discover the journey of the spirit.

Watching a favourite movie or watching a random movie may remind of our special loved one. Words or a scene will spark a memory that they want you to remember.

You may notice words every where you go. Or you may begin to notice saying that your loved used to say to you.

A penny from heaven. Sometimes a coin on our path is a sign our loved one is reaching out to us. A 5 cent piece is all very special. When ever i was about to change jobs i would find 5 cents on my path as reassurance another job will be coming soon.

A visit from a bird may be a sent from heaven as sign that your loved ones are near. They may sing or simply talk to you.

Finding lost jewelry is the most special reward a passed loved one can organise for you.

Flickering lights always signify that your loved ones are close and love playing with you. Smile and enjoy.

When I visit you I like to play with the lights
Our connection go beyond the life on earth
There is no such thing as a coincidence
I play tricks on you all the time – you know its me
I visit you in your day dreams
When you miss me place your hand on your heart and you will feel me there
Embrace your life so I can join you for the ride
I am sending you songs with meaningful words
I am walking beside family members who are struggling