
We are a community that promotes the self-development of your spiritual gifts.

Awakening your intuition is often related to the meaning of life, having faith in the divine, concepts of life purpose and being connected. Spiritual empowered practice can encompass activities like meditation, prayer, connecting with nature and rituals, that nurture spiritual well-being, deepen self-awareness, and foster a sense of connection with the divine, universe, or inner self.

Whether you’re deepening your connection to a higher power or simply curious about spiritual learnings I provide a number of workshops to assist in your development from a number of different perspectives.

Awakening Your Intuition

This 5-week beginners’ course is especially designed to help you get started on your journey of spiritual development. I will introduce you to a different topic every week, this will give you an understanding of the subjects we offer, and a direction of where your talents and interests may lie.
Topics included will be:

  • How Synchronicities pay a roll in life
  • How to open and close your energy
  • How to meditate
  • The Chakra System explained.
  • Realizing Coincidences are real.
  • The 5 Claires explained.

We will begin to explore the following:

  • Working with clairsentience on how to identify feelings, emotions and sensations.
  • The difference between clairsentience and claircognizance (the clear knowing)
  • How to recognise symbolic clairsentient information in psychic and mediumship readings
  • How to integrate the clairsentience ability in order to interpret messages more accurately

Gentle Energy Healing

Reiki is a laying-on of hands healing technique to channel universal life force energy for the wellbeing of oneself or another person. The universal Rei life force, spirit Ki energies all living things and can be channeled by someone who has been attuned to it. This energy is always around us and flows naturally to areas of need through chakra and meridian pathways.

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